By | Health, Massage | One Comment

Carrying a new life is a happy but challenging time for any woman, but it is not always stress free. We’ve talked with Joanne, a trained pregnancy massage specialist, about why she decided to learn this type of massage and which benefits it brings.

Prenatal massage is a technique very similar to the Swedish massage, which focuses on long, sweeping strokes, avoiding direct pressure on the body. This massage puts the needs of the future mother first, concentrating on the areas which are most swollen or sore. Pillows are often used for support, as the massage can also be done while lying on the side.

This is what Joanne says about the benefits:

“A pregnancy massage is so beneficial in many ways as firstly it helps you to relax and take some time out for yourself. This is really important for both you and your baby as your baby can feel if you are stressed, so the more relaxed you are, the more relaxed your baby will be.”

Joanne is a mother of two beautiful girls, so she definitely has experience with what a pregnant woman might need. When Joanne went through the whole process of her body changing, she decided to learn the pregnancy massage technique to help other women.

“Secondly, it has many benefits on your body by reducing tired swollen limbs especially the legs and feet and the blood flow is automatically increased, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized

Improved blood flow brings many benefits to the body. Releasing the tension in the nerves and muscles the massage helps blood circulate actively in the regions where it couldn’t before, reaching all the vital organs as well as your brain.

“I finish the treatment with a face and scalp massage, which again is so beneficial as there are many muscles in the face and head that are often neglected and can lead to tension headaches.”

If you can do one thing for yourself during your pregnancy- treat yourself to a massage because you are special and you deserve it!

Your Glow Concierge




By | Fitness, Health, Home, Nutrition | 2 Comments

We’re almost three weeks into September – exactly the time when your mind has already forgotten all about your last vacation, but the body is left to sort out the consequences.

Whether you hopped on a flight to your favorite spot, or staycationed closer to home, we definitely all indulged in that extra bowl of pasta and glass of wine this summer. To get you back to feeling your tip top best, here are our weight loss tips.

  1. Drop the soda… and the wine. Get back to basics with the good stuff, water. Try drinking warm water eight times a day – it acts like a dishwasher for your digestive system, cleaning out all the gunk and toxins as it goes.
  2. Take a break from stress. Stress hormones are brilliant at storing fat! Great when we were cave people, but terrible for modern day weightloss. We want to reduce the body’s instinct to produce the stress hormone. When stress can’t be avoided, make sure you give your body a reset with something calming like a hot bath, restorative yoga or meditation.
  3. Bring back breakfast! As tempting as it is to skip a meal, its actually counterintuitive for losing weight. Having a healthy breakfast featuring protein, fiber and healthy fats will keep cravings and snacking at bay as it stabilises your blood sugar.
  4. Make home cooking fashionable again. This is fundamental for weight loss success. Not only does this control your portion sizes, but it means you know exactly what’s going into your meal. There’s no chance of hidden additives, non-organic ingredients or secret sugar.
  5. Move your body. Increasing your daily activity isn’t just about calories burnt – it helps manage stress and boost your mood. Getting in those sweaty work outs is amazing, but don’t forget to have fun. Dancing to your favorite songs is just as effective. Remember to have a little protein after your workout to aid muscle repair.

Daisy Quin – Yoga Instructor and Nutritionist from LA


By | Beauty, Health | No Comments

Is your skin experiencing a summer hangover? It often happens that, as the humidity of the air lowers in the autumn, the skin starts losing its fresh summer looks and becomes dry. In this article, we’ll see how we can help our skin adjust to the new cooler weather.

In autumn, not only our skin but also our bodies go through some adjustments. The immune system suddenly gets more factors to fight with and less support from the sun. Therefore, the skin barrier can get quite fragile, resulting in the increased sensitivity and dryness. Moreover, the “damaged” barrier can let more pollution and other external aggravators deeper into the skin – increasing the chances of inflammation and redness.

Here are some tips to help you reinforce your natural skin barriers:


Life in the city is not easy on our skin. Even in Switzerland, you can find some pollutants that would eventually settle on the skin. Cleaning the natural dead cells as well as the accumulating “debris” ensures that none of your pores is open and ready to receive the next cream or serum. Cleansing cream or milk fitting to your skin type is a great choice to nurture the skin while cleaning it.


Changing temperatures can exhaust and dry the skin. Moisturizing brings in that extra vitamins, oils and liquids that the skin might be missing. It’s important to remember to choose the moisturizer fitting to your skin type. Choose lighter creams if you tend to have oily skin. Vogue suggests “looking to ceramides and lipids to prevent moisture loss and retain hydration…”. Such moisturizers “create a layer over the skin and stop water escaping”

Creams with Vitamin C are also great for brightening dull-looking skin and hyaluronic acid for an instant hydration hit.


Scrubbing is perfect for removing dead cells, improving blood flow and smoothening the skin. But don’t run to your favorite mechanical scrub yet. Your skin is already damaged by the weather, and strong rubbing is the last thing it needs right now. They will only create micro-tears and damage the natural barrier even more.

In autumn, go for some professional chemical scrubs with acids. Of course, great caution is needed while using acids. But they are perfect for polishing the skin and making it smooth. Lactic acid is a great chemical exfoliant, as it hydrates at the same time as exfoliating. And mandelic acid works great with acne-prone skin and fights inflammation.

It’s best to consult with a dermatologist or with your facial provider before going for acidic skincare. They can tell you what your skin needs and help find the products that may not be on the pharmacy’s shelves. It’s also crucial to use the right rebuilding products after exfoliating.


If you don’t feel the sun it doesn’t mean it’s not shining. The damaging UV rays can reach you even if it’s not 30 degrees outside. Include a cream or oil with an SPF factor against UVA and UVB rays to protect yourself from micro ageing symptoms and skin cancer.


Our skin reacts to both outside and “inside” factors. Taking extra care of it while you feel stressed or don’t eat healthily is important. Autumn is a great season for eating fresh, local vegetables and fruits. Support your skin from the inside out, and maybe it’ll not react as aggressive to the changing temperatures.

A refreshing or highly moisturizing facial once a month can reinforce your skin barrier and keep it balanced. Our Providers know a great deal about skin products and can always consult you on your personal needs during the treatment.

Your Glow Concierge


Firming Vitamin C Facial – Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen fibers and protects the cells from free radicals, regenerates cells and prevents excessive skin pigmentation. Fights dull-looking skin and reinforces its natural glow.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Facial– A relaxing, non-invasive treatment which is recommended for everyone, no matter the time of the year or your age. It has a regenerative effect on the on your face and neck wrinkles, it hydrates the skin, reduces spots, and it gives you a glowing, healthy looking complexion. Glow Concierges Favorite!

Therma Vital Mineral Facial – A treatment recommended for all skin types, including acne and sensitive skin. Using an abundance of vitamins and mineral, this treatment quickly detoxifies, hydrates, revitalizes and regenerates a dull complexion, sensitive or problematic skin. A great booster in winter and autumn.

For any facial with Andrei, you can choose between a foot and hand massage or a neck and shoulder massage while the mask is on.


By | Beauty, Fashion | No Comments

Nail art is controversial. Some can wear 3 cm extensions with flowers and crystals and some don’t even paint their nails and prefer natural. But is there a middle ground? Can you combine two or more colors and still look casual?

We’ve researched the feeds of the most influential nail artists all over the world to find calm, casual, every-day and yet chic and interesting nails.


You’re probably thinking “what does the first photo have to do with casual?!” and you’re right. This artist used very bright colors to keep up with the summer trends. But we can always pick up this trend and give it an autumn look. Use darker shades of brown, orange, red or gray, and you’ve got yourself a perfect color-only nail art that ANY artist can do!


Again, colors are completely up to you. Put some tape before applying the nail polish to make the lines perfectly straight and experiment. This easy and creative solution will definitely get some surprised gazes from your colleagues.


Vertical, horizontal or curved – lines are always fun. Let your nail master use his/her imagination and just draw a couple across your finished manicure. It won’t take more than ten minutes, but will make your manicure look authentic and fun.


Artists have been playing with colors in French manicure this whole summer. From natural and white it suddenly went to black, red, rainbow – basically all the colors you could possibly imagine. Going into autumn you could take a basic white, black or nude as a base and add some red to it for an impactful look.

As you might have noticed, all the ideas in this post are very beginner-friendly. So if you’re doing your manicure at home or are not sure whether your nail artist can do some crazy art, we hope you can use any of them!

Our top nail masters Aleksandra and Laura are always open to your new ideas. Bring some designs with you, and they won’t stop until your nails look fabulous.


By | Fitness, Health, Massage | No Comments

Many view massage therapy as unnecessary or a last resort in case of injury. Moreover, undressing and letting somebody touch your curves can often be the main reason for not getting a much-needed massage. These feelings result in people suffering through stiffness in the back or even impaired blood circulation for years.

The benefits of massage therapy are well known and do not really need repeating. The problem, however, lies in their underestimation as well as the unwillingness to see the preventative effects of massage. If you never had severe muscle pain, migraines or burnouts, it is easy to dismiss the necessity of treating your soul and body.

2021 American Massage Therapy Association

According to the American Massage Therapy Association, almost half of all massage consumers got their last treatment for health and wellness reasons, while the other major part needed the therapy to reduce stress and treat anxiety.

The chart above clearly demonstrates which symptoms drive Americans to discuss the possibility of massage treatment with their doctor. Most of these patients are experiencing muscle pain or migraines, which in most part could be avoided if only they used the massage as a preventative therapy.


As odd as it sounds, getting your first massage can be stressful. The main thing to remember, however, is that all masseuses are people. They do their job just like any other person. Our clients often feel very surprised by the friendly and calm personalities of the providers. And this is exactly how it should be, as the main and only job of the masseuse is to make you feel at ease, almost as if you were lying in your bed at home. (Wait a second… with Glow Concierge it is actually the case😉)

For you first ever massage, treat yourself with a light Lymph Drainage Massage. It is aimed at stimulating the lymphatic system and improving the blood circulation. It is perfect for removing old blocks in your body and making you feel like a new person.


By | Beauty, Health | One Comment

Living with acne is NOT easy. It’s a life full of trying to find out what’s good for you and what makes you look like a teenager going through puberty. In fact, many people believe the sun calms down their acne. But there’re also ones who are convinced sunlight is not good for their skin. So which one is it?

This article is only about the relationship between sunlight and acne-prone skin. To find out more about the general effects of the sun and the UV rays read this article.

Positive effects of the sun

As we get tanned it can often seem that the condition of the skin gets better. The blemishes are not seen as much and everybody’s happy. Speaking of being happy, when exposed to the sun our bodies produce serotonin – the “happy hormone”.

Sun radiation also has an anti-inflammatory effect. In the right amounts, it facilitates regeneration and repair. The need for protection from the UV rays makes our skin readjust and adapt to the changing conditions, which can often be beneficial.

It is quite easy to get distracted from your skin condition under these circumstances. The sun temporarily dries out our skin and it feels like the perfect effect. But what happens inside the skin?

Negative effects of the sun

So, you’re in a good mood, enjoying the warm days, forgetting to put the sunscreen on…. What can go wrong? Acne-prone skin is usually oily, meaning it produces too much sebum and overreacts in situations where normal skin would not. When exposed to too much sunlight even oily skin can get dry. In response to that the sebum-producing glands under the skin go into overdrive leading to blemishes.

It has also been proven that excess sun exposure can disturb the natural process of dead skin cells being shed. As a result, excess sebum does not find its way out and accumulates in the pores, creating camedones.

The bottom line

As good as it might seem in the beginning sun can be damaging for the skin. The anti-inflammatory effects do not last long and after they stop you really start seeing all those clogged pores and blemishes.

Sun protection is crucial for any kind of skin but even more so for the acne-prone one. We recommend choosing mineral-based sun protection, as it does not penetrate the skin, shielding it from the UV rays and not changing the pH levels.

Consulting a professional once a month can also be beneficial. Even a short visit for a cleansing facial can become filled with worthless advice on skincare and your personal needs.


By | Beauty, Fashion | One Comment

Nowadays the supermarket shelves are busting with any number of colourful tubes and bottles of creams, serums, masks, tonics and everything else that is supposed to make our skin look better. Scrolling through the web or walking through the city, we see skincare brands promote their products as the ultimate problem solvers.

But do all of these products have the potential to make our skin shiny and young forever? Or is changing a necessity? And if yes, how often do we need to make that tough decision between this cream with a pretty label and that one that the friend recommended.


Homo Sapiens have been learning to adapt to the environment for a long time now. This is how we survive and this is how our skin deals with the outside world too. So after all it should come as no surprise that it learns to adapt to your new cream too.

As soon as you put a new product on the surface of your skin, it experiences a shock. It reacts immediately and you can see some results shortly. But with time the “surprise” feelings fade, the skin learns to deal with the intruders and eventually comes to expect the new guests.


A skin cycle is a process during which a cell is born, matures slowly and then dies out. Its average duration is six weeks, so anything before that means that the cells haven’t had the chance to experience the whole range of effects from the skincare product.

If you just started using a product we suggest waiting for a full cycle to see the result before switching. It can also prove helpful to lead a journal. Writing down any changes in your skincare or nutrition or even moods can definitely prove helpful in identifying your personal skin reaction patterns.


It can often be the case that your favourite cream is just not that into the new cleansing foam. Many products are aimed at changing the pH levels of the skin. That’s where the directions “for oily” or “for dry” skin are based on.

The pH of ‘normal’ skin is close to 5.5, while dry skin is more acid (pH < 5.5), and oily skin more alkaline (pH > 5.5).

Pay attention to the labels and pH levels of the product before choosing.


Our body creates a natural protective layer of dead skin cells that shield us off the pollutants as well as the good creams we are trying to apply on it. Exfoliation is the key when it comes to skincare. A mechanical or chemical peeling once a month can assure all your expensive products get exactly where they are supposed to get.


Choosing truly YOUR skincare can be a headache, especially for dry or acne-prone skin. It is important to keep in mind that certain products can be too harsh and require you to take a break from them, while others might only start working after a couple of months of usage.

Consulting a cosmetologist or a beautician is always helpful in determining the right path for your skincare solutions. Even one session with a professional can redefine how you see your skincare routine.