Monthly Archives

June 2020


By | Beauty, Fitness, Food for thought, Home, Massage, Travel | No Comments

Do you already know about our most popular services for men?

1. MANicure – Don’t neglect those cuticles gentlemen. Well-groomed hands are an absolute must, whether at a business meeting or a date.

2. Back Wax – Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there, get that rid of that fluff before you head to the badi, lake or beach.!

3. Facial – Once our clients have had one of Andrei’s facials, they always book more! You have to experience it for yourself.

4. Personal Training – Summer is already upon us and we’ve been overindulging during lockdown. Book a personal training session to get back on track and work on that six pack you have always wanted. No excuses!

5. Pedicure – No one likes looking at neglected feet. NO ONE. So please book one of our pedicures before you take out your flip-flops.

Enjoy those beautiful summer days!

Kennt ihr schon unsere beliebtesten Services für Männer?

1. MANiküre – Vernachlässigt eure Nagelhaut nicht, meine Herren. Gepflegte Hände sind ein absolutes Muss, ob bei einem Geschäftstermin oder einem Date.

2. Rückenwaxing – Nur weil ihr sie nicht sehen könnt, heisst es nicht, dass die Haare nicht da sind. Entfernt den Pelz bevor ihr in die Badi, an den See oder an den Strand geht.

3. Gesichtsbehandlung – Wenn unsere männlichen Kunden einmal eine von Andrejs Gesichtsbehandlungen gehabt haben, buchen sie immer wieder! Das müsst ihr mal selbst erlebt haben.

4. Personal Training – Der Sommer ist bereits in vollem Gange und wir haben uns während des Lockdowns eher wenig bewegt. Bucht also ein Personal Training, um wieder Fahrt aufzunehmen und an dem Sixpack zu arbeiten, das ihr schon immer wolltet. Es gibt keine Ausreden mehr

5. Pediküre – Niemand schaut gerne auf vernachlässigte Füsse. Absolut KEINER! Bucht euch also bitte eine unserer Pediküren, bevor ihr eure Flip-Flops auspackt.

Geniesst diese schönen Sommertage!


By | Beauty, Fitness, Massage | One Comment

The borders are gradually opening again and you are finally allowed to start planning your summer holiday. You don’t have time to go to the salon with all the things you need to get done before going away? No need to worry,  WE COME TO YOU! Go to our website or app, simply put in your postcode, choose the date and provider you want and next thing you know they’ll be at your door ready to pamper you. This saves you the time you probably need for finishing all emails and packing your suitcase before you are finally ready to head to the airport. 

We asked our clients what their beauty routine is before getting on the plane. These are their top 5: 

1. Pedicure – number 1 on our clients’ holiday check list. Baby soft feet and perfectly painted toenails are a must! And guys, also your toenails have to look great in flipflops.

2. Manicure – goes hand in hand with your pre-holiday pedicure, matchy matchy or mix things up with ombre fingernails and neon toenails, you decide!

3. Wax – essential pre-holiday prep! Need we say more?! One of our specials is a back wax for men. And believe us, it doesn’t hurt as much as getting rejected by your summer crush because of a hairy back.

4. Facial – prepare your skin for you holiday, perfectly exfoliated skin is a must for all those make up free days on the beach. 

5. Hair Cut – a fresh cut is essential before the onslaught of salt and sand. 

And the best part? You don’t even have to leave the house and spend hours going to a salon. Have a look at our website or drop us an email if you have a question.

Enjoy your well-deserved summer holiday!

Ready für den Strand, ohne das Haus verlassen zu müssen

Die Grenzen öffnen sich allmählich wieder und du darfst endlich deinen Sommerurlaub planen. Du hast jedoch keine Zeit, um in den Salon zu gehen und all die Dinge zu erledigen, die man vor der Abreise noch typischerweise macht? Kein Grund zur Sorge, WIR KOMMEN ZU DIR! Geh einfach auf unsere Website oder App, gib deine Postleitzahl ein, wähle das gewünschte Datum und den Anbieter, und schon bald klingelt es an der Türe und du wirst verwöhnt. Das erspart dir wertvolle Zeit, die du wahrscheinlich gut brauchen kannst, um beispielsweise die letzten E-Mails zu beantworten und deine Koffer zu packen, bevor es endlich losgeht.

Wir haben unsere Kunden und Kundinnen gefragt, was ihre Beauty-Routine ist, bevor sie ins Flugzeug steigen. Das sind ihre Top 5: 

1. Pediküre – Nummer 1 auf der Urlaubscheckliste unserer Kund*innen. Weiche Füsse und perfekt lackierte Fussnägel sind ein Muss für alle Frauen! Und Männer, auch eure Zehennägel müssen in Flipflops gepflegt aussehen.

2. Maniküre – geht Hand in Hand mit der Pediküre vor dem Urlaub, ihr entscheidet, ob ihr die gleiche Nagellackfarbe oder eine coole Farbkombination möchtet. 

3. Waxing – unverzichtbar für die Urlaubsvorbereitung! Müssen wir noch mehr sagen?! Eines unserer Specials ist übrigens ein Rückenwaxing für Männer. Und Jungs glaubt uns, es tut nicht so sehr weh, wie ein Korb eures Sommerflirts wegen eines zu behaarten Rückens.

4. Gesichtsbehandlung – bereitet eure Haut auf den Urlaub vor! Ein Peeling ist perfekt, um die Make-up freie Zeit am Strand so richtig geniessen zu können. 

5. Haarschnitt – was gibt es besseres als einen frischen Haarschnitt, um eure Haare auf den Ansturm von Meersalz und Sand vorzubereiten? 

Und das Beste daran? Du musst nicht einmal das Haus verlassen und Stunden in einem Beauty-Salon verbringen. Geh einfach auf unsere Website oder schreib uns eine E-Mail, wenn du Fragen hast. Ach übrigens, wir bieten auch Personal Training an, wenn du deiner Bikini-Figur noch den letzten Schliff geben möchtest.

Geniesse deinen wohlverdienten Sommerurlaub!


By | Beauty | No Comments

Nail art is no passing phase, here are some dos and don’t for you to consider.

Do try nail art, even if it’s only with an accent nail. There’s a look for even the most conservative workplaces.
Don’t relegate nail art to the pinkie only; try the ring finger or pointer for something different.

Do keep a bottle of cuticle oil at your desk, in your purse, or by your bed for regular application. Cuticle oil will keep your nails strong and your cuticles moisturised to reduce the chance of hangnails, cracked skin, and dry fingernails.
Don’t leave your nail polish on for longer than three weeks. It can dry out your nails.

Do combine various types of nail art in one design. Using polish, decals, and 3D elements like stones together will add dimension to your nail art.
Don’t feel that every nail has to the look the same. Creating variations in colour and design on each nail provides visual interest and keeps the nails from looking too matchy matchy.

Our top 3 choices for nail art for you.

  1. Ombre nails. We LOVE this, especially for summer. Megumi is a really specialist when it comes to the art of ombre.

2. French Manicure, while you may think of the traditional French manicure as being a little outdated, it can be applied using a modern approach to the classic. You can choose so many different options, colored French tips, half moon or both!

3. Hand painted nails, pamper your nails by adorning them in stunning hand painted designs such as these gorgeous daisies by Megumi.


By | Fitness | No Comments

It’s time to roll out your yoga mat and discover the combination of physical and mental exercises that for thousands of years have hooked yoga practitioners around the globe. The beauty of yoga is that you don’t have to be a yogi to reap the benefits. Whether you are young or old, overweight or fit, yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. Don’t be intimidated by yoga terminology, fancy yoga studios and complicated poses. Yoga is for everyone.

Maintaining regular yoga can provide both physical and mental health benefits. Because there are so many different kinds of yoga practices, it is possible for anyone to start. “Whether you’re a couch potato or a professional athlete, size and fitness levels do not matter because there are modifications for every yoga pose and beginner classes in every style.

Aside from the physical benefits, one of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress, which is known to have devastating effects on the body and mind.

With Glow Concierge you can have your yoga lesson at home, further reducing the stress of day to day life, no need to travel, look for parking, or squash onto the train, choose a private lesson for yourself or get a couple of friends to join you and enjoy!



By | Beauty, Fitness, Home, Nutrition | No Comments

Now it’s officially June and we are slowly getting back to the new normal it’s time to either continue the good work you started during quarantine or get rid of those bad habits and start fueling your body.

Glow Concierge has several wonderful yoga and pilates instructors as well as personal trainers and nutritionists ready to help you on your road to your idea of the perfect body. You can’t just workout, you need to fuel your body correctly too. Remember, FIT NOT THIN.

What better way to start beginner yoga than with your own personal instructor at home? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to start pilates but were nervous to join a class of seasoned pros! Do you always intend on going to use your expensive gym membership but never quite get round to it? The beauty of booking someone to come to you is you don’t need to drag yourself to a class or the gym, all you need to do is roll out of bed and get dressed! Easy as 1-2-3. WE COME TO YOU.

For yoga and pilates classes at home in Zug, Luzern, Aargau, Zurich and Schwyz, we’ve got you covered. Dorit, Nadia, Rita, Viviane and Guila are ready for you! For personal training, pelvic floor recovery training and nutritional advice, Viviane is available. Perhaps you want to combine all three, book a session with Viviane to discuss your needs and come up with the best plan for you.