

hand choosing nail polish


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Even with gellack on, have you noticed how much shorter your manicures last in winter? From chips, shattered nails and even the entire gellack polish coming off in one piece, manicures just don’t last as long. Why is this?

The main reason for chipped or even shattered nails in winter is the cold. Our nails are so much drier and more prone to damage.

During cold weather, the nail plate becomes dehydrated, resulting in peeling and splitting nails, which fray at the edges. As a consequence, the nails may break and become more fragile, and can easily catch on clothing. You can chip a nail from doing the slightest thing, even with gellack.

The reason gellack can lift and slide off in one piece is also connected to this, we use more moisturizers and oils in winter, which in turn makes the nail bed greasy meaning gellack doesn’t bond as well.

Here are a few tricks to help make your manicure last a bit longer in winter.

  1. Don’t soak the nails before a manicure – soaking them can distort the nail and when you paint over this, it then shrinks and causes the polish to chip.
  2. Don’t forget to push back the cuticles, if you get polish on the cuticles it peels more easily and will ruin your manicure
  3. Use a cuticle oil – while oils and moisturisers can cause lifting of the polish, it will help to keep your nails healthy. It’s important not to use oil based products on your nails before applying colour. Make sure to cleanse the nails before applying colour, using an acid free primer can help with this issue.
  4. Rubber gloves! Don’t do washing up or use cleaning products without putting on some rubber gloves, the hot water and chemicals will weaken the gellack.
  5. Don’t cut your nails between manicure appointments, this will cause the seal to break, which can result in lifting and peeling of the nail polish.

Your Glow Concierge


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2021 is almost over, which means everyone has probably already started getting their hopes up about the next year. Every time, we hope for a brighter future, and many would even start believing in magic tricks to increase the chances of it happening. 

So what can you do to make 2022 ‘your’ year? The answer is in colours!

According to the Chinese Astrology, the next year will be the year of a black/blue water tiger. In some cultures, people believe that having a tiger figure at home will serve to bring luck during the next year.  However, the colour palette of the outfit is also very important. Astrologists advise wearing cold colours during the New Year’s celebrations, or even going with a tiger print. 

You can also adapt the outfit to your wishes for 2022!


Red is quite a common colour that always takes a dominant role when it comes to Lunar celebrations. It has grown to represent joy and ambition, as well as bring good luck and good fortune. 


As already mentioned, blue is the lucky colour of 2022 (from the water tiger). Moreover, the colour is known for its ability to induce feelings of calm and relaxation. And in many Latin American countries it is associated with hope and good health.


For a long time, this colour has been associated with royalty. Even though the time has passed, in some cultures it is still considered a good sign to wear purple on New Year’s Eve if you wish to achieve career success in the coming year. 

There are way more colours out there, and each of them eventually will represent something good in some culture. The main point is that you feel lucky in your outfit!

Whatever the colour you pick, we wish you to believe in yourself and the luck will come to you! Happy New Year & don’t forget to treat yourself in 2022 – it might just be your key to success;)

Your Glow Concierge


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It’s the most wonderful time of the year, a time of crackling fires, red wine and parties! We’ve taken a look at the latest hair trends for winter. Some of them might be quite surprising!

Hands up who remembers the ‘zig zag’ parting of the 90s?! Is it really true that its making a come back this winter? If Bella Hadid is anything to go by then that is a resounding yes!

Icy blonde is here to stay! Who dallied with a beachy, honey blonde this summer? Time to return to that icy ashy blonde that we love so much! This hue isn’t just reserved for long locks, as proven by Cynthia Erivo, who has recently made it her signature look.

Unexpected accessories have been seen on every catwalk and every magazine this last month! Have you been eyeing up those Prada hair clips? With party season upon us, who can resist a sparkly hair clip reminiscent of our youth?!

When it comes to hair colors for winter, your options are endless. Making the most of your colour palette is vital, and violet pink is still in…thank the lord ! It’s a subtle, soft shade, like the spring blossoms yet to arrive.

Curls are back! Tight curls, loose curls, shaggy curls, you name it and its been on the catwalk this autumn. Whichever way you look, curls are having a major moment, don’t forget to use a heat protectant while styling to protect your hair.

Your Glow Concierge


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We’ve all heard the phrase ‘a swipe of red lipstick’ but of course we know that it’s never that simple to apply the perfect red lip! Red lipstick is simple, classic and bold, but for many, applying it takes time, effort and attention to detail. One thing is for sure, it’s never just a swipe!

The best way to apply red lipstick, or any lipstick for that matter is to start with a lip scrub, this eliminates dry skin and any lumps and bumps that stop the lipstick looking flawless. Next comes a lip liner, make sure it’s sharpened. I start with the Cupids Bow followed by the centre of the lower lip and then I connect it all up as symmetrically as I can. This is usually when most of us notice how totally asymmetric our lips actually are! You can always add a bit of liner to try and even the sides up a bit. Pro tip: the lip liner can also be used as a base to lock in the colour for longer lasting lip colour. Use a lip brush to apply the lipstick for the best results.

Any mistakes should never be wiped with a finger, use a cotton bud with a tiny bit of water to correct any mishaps. If you’re worried about bleeding, then you can apply some concealer around the lips beforehand and some translucent powder.

For Red Lipstick you can’t beat Chanel in my opinion, so many shades of red to choose from, but my favourite is Rouge Allure. For matte then Christian Louboutin Dramadouce is pretty unbeatable, but it does come with a pretty hefty price tag. NYC Soft Matte Lip Cream in Amsterdam is a great alternative for a fraction of the price.

If you’re still not sure about your ability to apply a flawless red lip, then why not try a makeup lesson from a professional? A lesson usually lasts 1-2 hours and is a great way to learn how to apply anything that you’re not confident about or just to discuss what sort of thing suits your skin tone. Rediscover your perfect makeup routine, talk through your current routine and assess the products you already have and whether they’re the right ones for you. The aim of the lesson is to enhance your best features and give you the confidence to create your perfect style with ease.

Your Glow Concierge


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The art of nail care, finds its roots thousands of years ago. For more than 5000 years, both men and women have managed to have well-kept nails, with the assistance of nail technicians.

In 3000 BC, the nail polish a person selected in China, actually reflected their social status, for an example, Royalty wore red and black to indicate their power, and authority. In Acient Egypt, from 5000 to 3000 BC, women would dye their nails with henna to indicate their social status and seductiveness. Women of the lower class wore pastel and neutral shades, while the upper classes wore deep, bright shades.

In Babylonia 3200 BC, men, not women, painted their nails with black and green kohl, an ancient cosmetic. To prepare for war, warriors of Babylon spent hours having their nails prepared, hair curled, and other similar beauty treatments.

The mid-1800s saw the opening of the first salons with nail technicians. With the ‘Sitts Method’ gaining popularity, women of all income levels began to take care of their nails and cuticles. Dr. Sitts, was a European podiatrist who adapted a dental tool for manicure purposes. Previous to this invention, people used acid, a metal rod, and scissors to shape and trim the nails.

During the 1920s, the art of nail care began to broaden in America and Europe, at around the same time the Simplex Manicuring Kit came into existence, with the kit consisting of nail polish, cuticle remover, nail whitener, an orange stick and an emery board. This kit provided an opportunity to aspiring women who longed to become nail technicians as, it offered them the opportunity to practice their skills at home.

The nail-care industry has been growing like never before ever since the invention of modern nail polish. In 2012, the United States witnessed a surging popularity of nail art, in the same year, a short nail-art documentary was released: “NAILgasm”. The film explored the growing trend of nail art, from women across the world to high-fashion runways.

What would the next innovation in nail care be? Leave your guess in the comments under this post, we would love to hear it!

Your Glow Concierge


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Nail art is controversial. Some can wear 3 cm extensions with flowers and crystals and some don’t even paint their nails and prefer natural. But is there a middle ground? Can you combine two or more colors and still look casual?

We’ve researched the feeds of the most influential nail artists all over the world to find calm, casual, every-day and yet chic and interesting nails.


You’re probably thinking “what does the first photo have to do with casual?!” and you’re right. This artist used very bright colors to keep up with the summer trends. But we can always pick up this trend and give it an autumn look. Use darker shades of brown, orange, red or gray, and you’ve got yourself a perfect color-only nail art that ANY artist can do!


Again, colors are completely up to you. Put some tape before applying the nail polish to make the lines perfectly straight and experiment. This easy and creative solution will definitely get some surprised gazes from your colleagues.


Vertical, horizontal or curved – lines are always fun. Let your nail master use his/her imagination and just draw a couple across your finished manicure. It won’t take more than ten minutes, but will make your manicure look authentic and fun.


Artists have been playing with colors in French manicure this whole summer. From natural and white it suddenly went to black, red, rainbow – basically all the colors you could possibly imagine. Going into autumn you could take a basic white, black or nude as a base and add some red to it for an impactful look.

As you might have noticed, all the ideas in this post are very beginner-friendly. So if you’re doing your manicure at home or are not sure whether your nail artist can do some crazy art, we hope you can use any of them!

Our top nail masters Aleksandra and Laura are always open to your new ideas. Bring some designs with you, and they won’t stop until your nails look fabulous.


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Nowadays the supermarket shelves are busting with any number of colourful tubes and bottles of creams, serums, masks, tonics and everything else that is supposed to make our skin look better. Scrolling through the web or walking through the city, we see skincare brands promote their products as the ultimate problem solvers.

But do all of these products have the potential to make our skin shiny and young forever? Or is changing a necessity? And if yes, how often do we need to make that tough decision between this cream with a pretty label and that one that the friend recommended.


Homo Sapiens have been learning to adapt to the environment for a long time now. This is how we survive and this is how our skin deals with the outside world too. So after all it should come as no surprise that it learns to adapt to your new cream too.

As soon as you put a new product on the surface of your skin, it experiences a shock. It reacts immediately and you can see some results shortly. But with time the “surprise” feelings fade, the skin learns to deal with the intruders and eventually comes to expect the new guests.


A skin cycle is a process during which a cell is born, matures slowly and then dies out. Its average duration is six weeks, so anything before that means that the cells haven’t had the chance to experience the whole range of effects from the skincare product.

If you just started using a product we suggest waiting for a full cycle to see the result before switching. It can also prove helpful to lead a journal. Writing down any changes in your skincare or nutrition or even moods can definitely prove helpful in identifying your personal skin reaction patterns.


It can often be the case that your favourite cream is just not that into the new cleansing foam. Many products are aimed at changing the pH levels of the skin. That’s where the directions “for oily” or “for dry” skin are based on.

The pH of ‘normal’ skin is close to 5.5, while dry skin is more acid (pH < 5.5), and oily skin more alkaline (pH > 5.5).

Pay attention to the labels and pH levels of the product before choosing.


Our body creates a natural protective layer of dead skin cells that shield us off the pollutants as well as the good creams we are trying to apply on it. Exfoliation is the key when it comes to skincare. A mechanical or chemical peeling once a month can assure all your expensive products get exactly where they are supposed to get.


Choosing truly YOUR skincare can be a headache, especially for dry or acne-prone skin. It is important to keep in mind that certain products can be too harsh and require you to take a break from them, while others might only start working after a couple of months of usage.

Consulting a cosmetologist or a beautician is always helpful in determining the right path for your skincare solutions. Even one session with a professional can redefine how you see your skincare routine.  


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Callisthenics may sound like a fancy and complicated word but in reality, most of us are already doing it as a part of our workout routines. In short, callisthenics is a workout type oriented at working with your own bodyweight.

The name has Greek origins, where “Kàlos” means beauty and “Sthénos” means strength. Many callisthenics lovers suggest that this sport is the pure art of movement or the most natural exercise.

Callisthenics incorporates the elements of gymnastics but is mainly performed outdoors. It focuses on what your body can do rather than how it looks and the result – fit shape, defined muscles and a couple of gymnastic exercises you would never think you can do on top of that.  

If you ever found yourself saying “I would never be able to perform a handstand”, callisthenics might prove you wrong. This exercise routine is mainly based on helping you achieve your wildest fantasies about what your body can do.


Let’s take a handstand as an example. This exercise engages arms, shoulders, the core and glutes aka. the most wanted muscle groups!

Callisthenics teaches you to use your body as an integrated unit, instead of just viewing it as groups of isolated muscles. Being able to balance the weight from hands to legs requires not only strength, but also coordination and balance.

A study looked at the benefits of callisthenics on male participants over an 8 week period. The posture, strength and body composition accessed and measured through the before/after comparison of the participants’ abilities. In the end, the men demonstrated a significant body weight loss and posture improvement. They were also better at doing push-ups and pull-ups which indicated the increase in general body strengths.


Many people judge the success of their workout routine by their appearance, but as we already mentioned, callisthenics is not about that. Instead of having to look at your abs after every workout, you test your abilities with each exercise. For example, can you make the push-up better today compared to how you performed yesterday.

This kind of tracking can bring lots of fulfillment and motivation to work harder. And as soon as you master that handstand for the first time, you will get that enormous feeling of joy and would not want to stop for a second.

To sum up, callisthenics is a captivating art of working with your own body, feeling it and taking care of it. This workout teaches you patience, resilience and love for who you are.

With Dan you get a 50% discount on your first callisthenics session! Try it out, and you will not want to stop.


By | Fashion, Fitness, Massage | 2 Comments

Cupping is a massage technique that has been used by numerous celebrities over the years. How do we know? The marks.

The trend first started about a decade ago, when athletes at the Olympics and TV-stars started showing up in the public with colorful circles on their backs. Among the cupping therapy lovers are Victoria Beckham, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian and many others.

So what is it about cupping that makes us put up with this colourful after effect. Cupping is an ancient massage therapy first used by the people of China and Egypt. Some suggest that it was used to suck out the venom of poisonous snakes, but it soon became clear that there are way more benefits behind it.

A traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner Ada Ooi in her interview to Vogue states that cupping “… brings in oxygen and nutrients, guides immune cells into the area to loosen tension, and enhances qi [life force] flow in order to aid recovery and healing”

This incredible therapy does not only bring so much good into the body, it also helps flush out toxins. Yes, our body does have its own mechanisms to eliminate the build up of waste. However, modern lifestyle makes it too much for our natural systems. That’s where cupping comes into action. According to Ooi, “It creates broken blood vessels just beneath the skin, breaking up adhesions that are blocking the flow of qi and nutrients to different parts of the body”.

So why has cupping become more popular than a regular deep tissue massage? Some suggest that it’s because of the immediate effects not just on the body but also on your psyche. The unblocked blood vessels and improved oxygen and nutrient flow works well to ensure your whole body feels well.

Glow Concierge has a few cupping gurus of its own. Eleftheria and Alexandra have many years experience in massage therapy and, on top of that, a calming, friendly personality.

Trying this incredible massage technique out has now become even easier. Open in your browser, choose from Cupping or Facial Cupping from Eleftheria and wait for your provider to knock on your door.


By | Beauty, Fashion, Health | One Comment

Why do we believe expensive creams can help our face look younger, and yet exercise to do the same thing for our body? There are 43 muscles in the face, but we only use 30 percent of them. Can it be beneficial to work with them as well?

A throughout massage of the face and daily exercises can lift and smoothen your face better than any cream or serum. We are not telling you to throw away all the beauty products you own. But the next time you stand in front of the mirror, consider massaging your face for a couple of minutes, and you’ll see the results as soon as you do it!

Why exercise?

Let’s take the “abs” for example. In our everyday life there are not so many occasions when these muscles are really working. And yet every single person is willing to die in the gym for a six-pack.

The same happens with our facial muscles. Daily we are using just a little portion of them while chewing, smiling, talking etc. But if we were to spend at least 15 minutes a day on facial exercises, there would be no more complaints of saggy necks, jowls or puffy eyes.

Manual lifting

Manual lifting is another technique to make your face look younger and skin smoother. Done on your own or with the help of a professional, this massage prevents aging, aids lymphatic system and drains excess water from the face.

After just a couple of minutes of rubbing and stroking, you can already feel your face become slimmer and cheekbones more visible. Isn’t it a dream come true?!

Don’t make it worse

Both these procedures, however, need to be done with caution. It is very important not to do any harm or make it look even worse. We recommend consulting with a professional before starting these exercises or massages on your own.

Our providers are always there to help. For example, try out the facial toning with Nadia ONLINE. In just 30 minutes she’ll teach you all the basics of facial exercises which you can easily perform on your own, or even at the elevator, in the car or walking down the street.

(Nadia is also teaching yoga in Zug. To access her online yoga and facial toning lessons, dial 6300 Postcode on our website)

When it comes to manual lifting, both Caterina and Eleftheria are offering 1 hour long facial massages in Zurich Lake and Zug regions. These qualified masters will follow all the essential lines on the face and reactivate the muscles so that the skin becomes smoother and gains elasticity.

Caring for your health&beauty since 2018

Your Glow Concierge