Monthly Archives

July 2020


By | Fitness, Food for thought | No Comments

Do you ever feel stuck in your workout routine? Are you missing that last bit of motivation to push yourself to the limit? Did you know that most of us work harder in the presence of others? Having a personal trainer by your side provides the encouragement, motivation and energy that you need! A trainer can also help you set achievable goals and create a plan that you can realistically accomplish.

Here are some benefits working out with a personal trainer:

  1. See better results, sooner
  2. Avoid injury
  3. Lose fat and gain muscle
  4. Set realistic goals
  5. Be kept accountable
  6. Establish lifelong habits

People often ask themselves, “Can I afford a personal trainer and how do I find the right one? ” It is an investment, but if fitness, strength and endurance is your goal then it will likely be money well spent. Even if the goal is to create your own workouts and exercise by yourself, hiring a trainer for a few sessions at least can be a great way to benefit for learning the right way to exercise, teach you about the muscles in our body and how they work, this is essential if you’re going to be working out at home or at the gym on your own. Glow Concierge gives you the opportunity to try it out for yourself. Why not try with a friend to get the most out of your workout. You really push yourself that extra mile when you work out with a friend!

We have two new personal trainers starting this week: Dan and James. They are ready to put you through your paces! Between them, they cover the Cantons of Zurich, St Gallen, Thurgau, Schaffhausen, Appenzell and Aargau!

Challenge yourself with one of their workouts. Check their availability on our website or app. Send us your post workout picture with them to get a surprise!


By | Bridal, Party | No Comments

Sowohl der Junggesellinnenabschied als auch die Brautparty können dafür sorgen, dass die Zeit bis zur Hochzeit noch um ein Highlight erweitert wird. Beide Feiern scheinen auf den ersten Blick das Gleiche zu sein, aber es gibt doch kleine aber feine Unterschiede.

Der Junggesellinnenabschied

Klassische Junggesellinnenabschiede sind dafür bekannt (oder berüchtigt), ein bisschen wild zu sein. Viel Alkohol und hier und da mal über die Stränge zu schlagen, gehören da einfach dazu. Brautparties laufen da eher etwas gemässigter ab, sind oftmals generationenübergreifend und gediegener. Beide Parties könnten also unterschiedlicher nicht sein und doch haben sie am Ende des Tages genau das gleiche Ziel: Die zukünftige Braut zu feiern.

Viele Bräute stellen sich nun die Frage, ob sie beide Parties durchführen sollten bzw. welche der Parties zu ihr passt. Hier ist eine kleine Gegenüberstellung: 

Der traditionelle Junggesellinnenabschied ist definitiv Geschmackssache und nicht jedermanns Sache. Die Braut lädt normalerweise ihre engsten Freundinnen zu einem gemeinsamen Party-Abend ein, der voll von exzessivem Trinken, Tanzen und bunten Schärpen ist, auf denen steht, ob man die “zukünftige Braut”, “Brautjungfer” oder “Trauzeugin” ist.

Für diese Art von Junggesellinnenabschieden haben wir das richtige Package für euch: Wir sorgen für euer perfektes Hair & Make-up, bevor ihr durch die Clubs zieht und geben euch sogar noch eine Flasche Champagner obendrauf, damit ihr den Abend richtig starten könnt.

Die Brautparty

Die Brautparty ist perfekt für alle angehenden Bräute, die nicht unbedingt eine wilde Partynacht wollen, sondern einfach einen schönen Nachmittag mit ihren Liebsten verbringen möchten. 

Typische Aktivitäten sind der sog. “High Tea” oder Spa-Behandlungen mit viel gutem Essen, Wein und guter Unterhaltung. Bei einer Brautparty ist alles möglich, solange die Braut sich gut amüsiert und wohlfühlt. 

Wie wäre es also mit passenden Maniküren für alle Gäste? Oder vielleicht soll einfach die Braut für ein paar Stunden verwöhnt werden?

Welche Party passt also besser zu dir?

Viele Bräute finden sowohl Junggesellinnenabschiede als auch Brautparties super. Zu einigen passt jedoch vielleicht nur einer der beiden Anlässe. Wir finden, dass man nie genug Party machen kann. Wenn dir also beide Anlässe zusagen, wieso nicht beide durchführen oder vielleicht sogar kombinieren? Also erst mit einem Verwöhnnachmittag mit anschliessendem Abendessen starten und dann mit einer ausgelassenen Party die Nacht zum Tag machen. 

Unsere Packages können individuell auf dich und deine Gäste zugeschnitten werden. Du kannst mit einem unserer Berater*innen sprechen und wir werden dir das Angebot zusammenstellen, das am besten zu deinen Bedürfnissen passt. Schreibe uns einfach eine E-Mail an und wir setzen uns gerne mit dir in Verbindung. 


By | Beauty | No Comments

Both the hen party and the bridal shower can play a big role in the rollercoaster ride that is getting married. These two celebrations may seem similar, however they’re actually really different.


Hen parties are known for being a bit wild. They often involve lots of alcohol and general mischief. The bridal shower is a tamer party that tends to be multi-generational and a little more sophisticated. These two celebrations couldn’t be more different in nature, however at the end of the day, they’re the same. Both are there to celebrate the bride-to-be.

Many brides find themselves wondering if both parties are needed. Here are our thoughts on the matter.

The traditional hen party is definitely an acquired taste that not everyone is going to enjoy. Hen partys tend to involve the bride-to-be gathering all of her bridal party and other close friends for a night out. This night out tends to be filled with excessive drinking, dancing and brightly coloured sashes stating whether you’re the ‘bride-to-be’, ‘bridesmaid’ or ‘maid of honour’.

For a hen party we have a great package for hair and makeup before going out, we will even throw in a bottle of champagne to celebrate!


The bridal shower is a great option for those ladies who aren’t looking to walk on the wild side and simply want to have a fun-filled afternoon with their nearest and dearest.

Activities at a bridal shower would be things like high tea or spa treatments with lots of food, wine and good conversation. Anything goes for a bridal shower as long as the bride is having a good time.

How about matching manicures for the bridal party? Or perhaps you want to treat the bride to hours of pampering!


For lots of brides, both the bridal shower and the hen’s party sound like amazing activities. For others, only one will suit them. We think that if you like the sound of both, then have both, because who doesn’t want multiple parties dedicated to them? Maybe you can combine the two and have an afternoon of pampering followed by dinner and end with partying the night away.

Our packages can be tailor made to you, you can speak to one of our advisers and you can come up with a package that suits you. Contact us on for more information


By | Beauty, Fitness, Home, Massage | No Comments

First we have Laura, she offers her services in Zurich City and the surrounding area as well as Canton Aargau.

1. How long have you been working with Glow?
I joined 2 years come September. Since the beginning.

2. What’s your favourite thing about working with Glow
I can add my own schedule and choose when I want to work. If my plans change then I just update my availability.

3. What convinced you to join?
I always wanted to work in the beauty industry and this way I can be flexible with my hours and not always being in one place. It’s nice to travel around to different clients instead of sitting in a salon.

4. What’s your most popular treatment?
I think nails, in particular pedicures, I have this great product from Lovaskin which the clients love, it removes all the dead skin in literally 60 seconds.

5. Is there any advice you would give to anyone thinking of working with Glow? 
Add as much availability as possible, you can always take it out if your plans change, no one can book you if you’re not available online. Especially at the beginning it’s good to be seen and then you get some clients who become regulars. A lot of my clients are referrals from other clients. 

Laura doing a Lash Lift in the Garden last Summer

Andrei also joined us at the very beginning, he works in Zurich Canton, the Eastern part of Canton Aargau and the southern part of Canton Schwyz

1. How long have you been working with Glow?
I started my work with Glow from the beginning, good start, good opportunity to build on my set of skills.

2. What’s your favourite thing about working with Glow
The concept of the company, it’s great that it’s so flexible, and the people I work with.

3. What convinced you to join?
Your online platform attracted me the most. I can take advantage of having an online presence without having to pay for my own website.

4. What’s your most popular treatment?
I don’t have a most popular treatment because all the treatments I do are personalized to each client

5. Is there any advice you would give to anyone thinking of working with Glow? 
If you put passion in your work you will succeed. Be available, be willing to go that extra mile for your clients.

Andrei doing one of his famous Facials for a Client last Week.