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August 2021


By | Fitness, Health, Massage | No Comments

Many view massage therapy as unnecessary or a last resort in case of injury. Moreover, undressing and letting somebody touch your curves can often be the main reason for not getting a much-needed massage. These feelings result in people suffering through stiffness in the back or even impaired blood circulation for years.

The benefits of massage therapy are well known and do not really need repeating. The problem, however, lies in their underestimation as well as the unwillingness to see the preventative effects of massage. If you never had severe muscle pain, migraines or burnouts, it is easy to dismiss the necessity of treating your soul and body.

2021 American Massage Therapy Association

According to the American Massage Therapy Association, almost half of all massage consumers got their last treatment for health and wellness reasons, while the other major part needed the therapy to reduce stress and treat anxiety.

The chart above clearly demonstrates which symptoms drive Americans to discuss the possibility of massage treatment with their doctor. Most of these patients are experiencing muscle pain or migraines, which in most part could be avoided if only they used the massage as a preventative therapy.


As odd as it sounds, getting your first massage can be stressful. The main thing to remember, however, is that all masseuses are people. They do their job just like any other person. Our clients often feel very surprised by the friendly and calm personalities of the providers. And this is exactly how it should be, as the main and only job of the masseuse is to make you feel at ease, almost as if you were lying in your bed at home. (Wait a second… with Glow Concierge it is actually the case😉)

For you first ever massage, treat yourself with a light Lymph Drainage Massage. It is aimed at stimulating the lymphatic system and improving the blood circulation. It is perfect for removing old blocks in your body and making you feel like a new person.


By | Beauty, Health | One Comment

Living with acne is NOT easy. It’s a life full of trying to find out what’s good for you and what makes you look like a teenager going through puberty. In fact, many people believe the sun calms down their acne. But there’re also ones who are convinced sunlight is not good for their skin. So which one is it?

This article is only about the relationship between sunlight and acne-prone skin. To find out more about the general effects of the sun and the UV rays read this article.

Positive effects of the sun

As we get tanned it can often seem that the condition of the skin gets better. The blemishes are not seen as much and everybody’s happy. Speaking of being happy, when exposed to the sun our bodies produce serotonin – the “happy hormone”.

Sun radiation also has an anti-inflammatory effect. In the right amounts, it facilitates regeneration and repair. The need for protection from the UV rays makes our skin readjust and adapt to the changing conditions, which can often be beneficial.

It is quite easy to get distracted from your skin condition under these circumstances. The sun temporarily dries out our skin and it feels like the perfect effect. But what happens inside the skin?

Negative effects of the sun

So, you’re in a good mood, enjoying the warm days, forgetting to put the sunscreen on…. What can go wrong? Acne-prone skin is usually oily, meaning it produces too much sebum and overreacts in situations where normal skin would not. When exposed to too much sunlight even oily skin can get dry. In response to that the sebum-producing glands under the skin go into overdrive leading to blemishes.

It has also been proven that excess sun exposure can disturb the natural process of dead skin cells being shed. As a result, excess sebum does not find its way out and accumulates in the pores, creating camedones.

The bottom line

As good as it might seem in the beginning sun can be damaging for the skin. The anti-inflammatory effects do not last long and after they stop you really start seeing all those clogged pores and blemishes.

Sun protection is crucial for any kind of skin but even more so for the acne-prone one. We recommend choosing mineral-based sun protection, as it does not penetrate the skin, shielding it from the UV rays and not changing the pH levels.

Consulting a professional once a month can also be beneficial. Even a short visit for a cleansing facial can become filled with worthless advice on skincare and your personal needs.


By | Beauty, Fashion | One Comment

Nowadays the supermarket shelves are busting with any number of colourful tubes and bottles of creams, serums, masks, tonics and everything else that is supposed to make our skin look better. Scrolling through the web or walking through the city, we see skincare brands promote their products as the ultimate problem solvers.

But do all of these products have the potential to make our skin shiny and young forever? Or is changing a necessity? And if yes, how often do we need to make that tough decision between this cream with a pretty label and that one that the friend recommended.


Homo Sapiens have been learning to adapt to the environment for a long time now. This is how we survive and this is how our skin deals with the outside world too. So after all it should come as no surprise that it learns to adapt to your new cream too.

As soon as you put a new product on the surface of your skin, it experiences a shock. It reacts immediately and you can see some results shortly. But with time the “surprise” feelings fade, the skin learns to deal with the intruders and eventually comes to expect the new guests.


A skin cycle is a process during which a cell is born, matures slowly and then dies out. Its average duration is six weeks, so anything before that means that the cells haven’t had the chance to experience the whole range of effects from the skincare product.

If you just started using a product we suggest waiting for a full cycle to see the result before switching. It can also prove helpful to lead a journal. Writing down any changes in your skincare or nutrition or even moods can definitely prove helpful in identifying your personal skin reaction patterns.


It can often be the case that your favourite cream is just not that into the new cleansing foam. Many products are aimed at changing the pH levels of the skin. That’s where the directions “for oily” or “for dry” skin are based on.

The pH of ‘normal’ skin is close to 5.5, while dry skin is more acid (pH < 5.5), and oily skin more alkaline (pH > 5.5).

Pay attention to the labels and pH levels of the product before choosing.


Our body creates a natural protective layer of dead skin cells that shield us off the pollutants as well as the good creams we are trying to apply on it. Exfoliation is the key when it comes to skincare. A mechanical or chemical peeling once a month can assure all your expensive products get exactly where they are supposed to get.


Choosing truly YOUR skincare can be a headache, especially for dry or acne-prone skin. It is important to keep in mind that certain products can be too harsh and require you to take a break from them, while others might only start working after a couple of months of usage.

Consulting a cosmetologist or a beautician is always helpful in determining the right path for your skincare solutions. Even one session with a professional can redefine how you see your skincare routine.  


By | Fitness, Health, Nutrition | No Comments

MYTH#1 – You shouldn’t exercise on your period


Exercising can actually help with decreasing any PMS symptoms you may be feeling, particularly before your period. Exercise can help with fatigue and mood swings and regular aerobic exercise may lesson these symptoms. Exercise also tends to alleviate cramps, headache, or back pain associated with your period. Plus, don’t forget about that natural endorphin high! Exercise can generally elevate your mood and give you that boost of energy you need during your period.

MYTH#2 – You shouldn’t get a massage while menstruating


A massage can help relax the body when it comes to tackling your menstrual pain as you’ll likely experience a decrease in water retention, and a release of muscle tension. Keep in mind a massage does increase the blood flow around your body which means a massage may increase your menstrual flow for a day after the massage. But this isn’t always a bad thing! The increase in blood flow also has positive effects on menstruation and can help reduce cramps and back pain

MYTH#3 – You shouldn’t have sex during your period


Don’t let your period put a halt on your sex life. You may feel more aroused during this time of the month. The release of endorphins during orgasms is also said to reduce PMS symptoms such as cramping and will certainly take your mind off any menstrual uncomforted. If that wasn’t enough to convince you, having sex may make your periods shorter. Muscle contractions during an orgasm push out the uterine contents faster. That could result in shorter periods.

Myth #4: You Can’t Get Pregnant During Your Period


The facts are that although the chances are slim, it is possible to get pregnant if you have unprotected sex during your period, particularly if you have a shorter cycle. You’re most likely to get pregnant during ovulation, which happens about 14 days before your period starts. Yet every woman’s cycle length is different, and your cycle length can change monthly. If you have a short menstrual cycle, your risk of getting pregnant during your period is higher. Also consider that sperm can stay alive in your body for up to seven days. So, if you have a 22-day cycle and you ovulate soon after getting your period, there’s a chance you’ll be releasing an egg while sperm are still in your reproductive tract.

MYTH#5 – PMS isn’t real


If anyone ever tries to tell you that PMS is all in your head, they are lying. PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is the combination of symptoms you may experience leading​ up your period. These can include mood swings, feeling on edge, headaches, and spots (great!). Although medical professionals aren’t exactly sure what causes PMS, it’s definitely a real thing and is probably down to the fluctuation in your hormones leading up to your period. So next time you’re not feeling like your usual self, rest-assured it’s completely normal and okay for you to feel that way.

MYTH#6 – You shouldn’t swim when you’re on your period (especially in the ocean, as sharks will attack you)


There is no reason whatsoever not to swim when you are on your period and what’s more it can help ease cramps (see Myth#1 above on exercise). As to being attacked by sharks: No No No …. While it’s true that a shark’s sense of smell is powerful and that menstrual fluid contains blood, there’s no scientific evidence that women swimming in the ocean while having their period are more likely to be bitten by a shark. Please enjoy a swim without fear of being a sharks breakfast.

MYTH #7 – Everyone knows when you’re on your period


No one knows unless you choose to tell them! You don’t walk differently, look different or smell different. Menstruation is a natural healthy part of life. It is a normal bodily function. It is however common for women to feel self conscious about their period, but rest assured no one knows you are menstruating and your body’s functions are your own private business. It’s ok to be discreet and not talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable. That said you should not feel like you have to hide the fact that you are on your period, there is nothing dirty or shameful about menstruation. You might find it helps to be open about your period, particularly with people you trust. The bottom line is you are in control and you alone can decide who to share this with or not.

MYTH #8 – You cannot enjoy your life during “these days”

FALSE! Go out, do sports, organize spa days and party hard. Glow Concierge & Organic Mondays will be there to support you.

Glow Concierge would like to thank Organic Mondays for sharing this important information. Take part in our joint GIVEAWAY and win 200CHF worth of goodies from Glow Concierge and Organic Mondays.


up your period. These can include mood swings, feeling on edge, headaches, and spots (great!). Although medical professionals aren’t exactly sure what causes PMS, it’s definitely a real thing and is probably down to the fluctuation in your hormones leading up to your period. So next time you’re not feeling like your usual self, rest-assured it’s completely normal and okay for you to feel that way. MYTH#6 – You shouldn’t swim when you’re on your period (especially in the ocean as sharks will attack you) There is no reason whatsoever not to swim when you are on your period and what’s more it can help ease cramps (see Myth#1 above on exercise). As to being attacked by sharks: No No No …. While it’s true that a shark’s sense of smell is powerful and that menstrual fluid contains blood, there’s no scientific evidence that women swimming in the ocean while having their period are more likely to be bitten by a shark. Please enjoy a swim without fear of being a sharks breakfast. MYTH #7 – Everyone knows when you’re on your period FALSE No one knows unless you choose to tell them! You don’t walk differently, look different or smell different. Menstruation is a natural healthy part of life. It is a normal bodily function. It is however common for women to feel self conscious about their period, but rest assured no one knows you are menstruating and your body’s functions are your own private business. It’s ok to be discreet and not talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable. That said you should not feel like you have to hide the fact that you are on your period, there is nothing dirty or shameful about menstruation. You might find it helps to be open about your period, particularly with people you trust. The bottom line is you are in control and you alone can decide who to share this with or not.