


By | Fitness, Health, Home, Nutrition | 2 Comments

We’re almost three weeks into September – exactly the time when your mind has already forgotten all about your last vacation, but the body is left to sort out the consequences.

Whether you hopped on a flight to your favorite spot, or staycationed closer to home, we definitely all indulged in that extra bowl of pasta and glass of wine this summer. To get you back to feeling your tip top best, here are our weight loss tips.

  1. Drop the soda… and the wine. Get back to basics with the good stuff, water. Try drinking warm water eight times a day – it acts like a dishwasher for your digestive system, cleaning out all the gunk and toxins as it goes.
  2. Take a break from stress. Stress hormones are brilliant at storing fat! Great when we were cave people, but terrible for modern day weightloss. We want to reduce the body’s instinct to produce the stress hormone. When stress can’t be avoided, make sure you give your body a reset with something calming like a hot bath, restorative yoga or meditation.
  3. Bring back breakfast! As tempting as it is to skip a meal, its actually counterintuitive for losing weight. Having a healthy breakfast featuring protein, fiber and healthy fats will keep cravings and snacking at bay as it stabilises your blood sugar.
  4. Make home cooking fashionable again. This is fundamental for weight loss success. Not only does this control your portion sizes, but it means you know exactly what’s going into your meal. There’s no chance of hidden additives, non-organic ingredients or secret sugar.
  5. Move your body. Increasing your daily activity isn’t just about calories burnt – it helps manage stress and boost your mood. Getting in those sweaty work outs is amazing, but don’t forget to have fun. Dancing to your favorite songs is just as effective. Remember to have a little protein after your workout to aid muscle repair.

Daisy Quin – Yoga Instructor and Nutritionist from LA


By | Fitness, Health, Nutrition | No Comments

MYTH#1 – You shouldn’t exercise on your period


Exercising can actually help with decreasing any PMS symptoms you may be feeling, particularly before your period. Exercise can help with fatigue and mood swings and regular aerobic exercise may lesson these symptoms. Exercise also tends to alleviate cramps, headache, or back pain associated with your period. Plus, don’t forget about that natural endorphin high! Exercise can generally elevate your mood and give you that boost of energy you need during your period.

MYTH#2 – You shouldn’t get a massage while menstruating


A massage can help relax the body when it comes to tackling your menstrual pain as you’ll likely experience a decrease in water retention, and a release of muscle tension. Keep in mind a massage does increase the blood flow around your body which means a massage may increase your menstrual flow for a day after the massage. But this isn’t always a bad thing! The increase in blood flow also has positive effects on menstruation and can help reduce cramps and back pain

MYTH#3 – You shouldn’t have sex during your period


Don’t let your period put a halt on your sex life. You may feel more aroused during this time of the month. The release of endorphins during orgasms is also said to reduce PMS symptoms such as cramping and will certainly take your mind off any menstrual uncomforted. If that wasn’t enough to convince you, having sex may make your periods shorter. Muscle contractions during an orgasm push out the uterine contents faster. That could result in shorter periods.

Myth #4: You Can’t Get Pregnant During Your Period


The facts are that although the chances are slim, it is possible to get pregnant if you have unprotected sex during your period, particularly if you have a shorter cycle. You’re most likely to get pregnant during ovulation, which happens about 14 days before your period starts. Yet every woman’s cycle length is different, and your cycle length can change monthly. If you have a short menstrual cycle, your risk of getting pregnant during your period is higher. Also consider that sperm can stay alive in your body for up to seven days. So, if you have a 22-day cycle and you ovulate soon after getting your period, there’s a chance you’ll be releasing an egg while sperm are still in your reproductive tract.

MYTH#5 – PMS isn’t real


If anyone ever tries to tell you that PMS is all in your head, they are lying. PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is the combination of symptoms you may experience leading​ up your period. These can include mood swings, feeling on edge, headaches, and spots (great!). Although medical professionals aren’t exactly sure what causes PMS, it’s definitely a real thing and is probably down to the fluctuation in your hormones leading up to your period. So next time you’re not feeling like your usual self, rest-assured it’s completely normal and okay for you to feel that way.

MYTH#6 – You shouldn’t swim when you’re on your period (especially in the ocean, as sharks will attack you)


There is no reason whatsoever not to swim when you are on your period and what’s more it can help ease cramps (see Myth#1 above on exercise). As to being attacked by sharks: No No No …. While it’s true that a shark’s sense of smell is powerful and that menstrual fluid contains blood, there’s no scientific evidence that women swimming in the ocean while having their period are more likely to be bitten by a shark. Please enjoy a swim without fear of being a sharks breakfast.

MYTH #7 – Everyone knows when you’re on your period


No one knows unless you choose to tell them! You don’t walk differently, look different or smell different. Menstruation is a natural healthy part of life. It is a normal bodily function. It is however common for women to feel self conscious about their period, but rest assured no one knows you are menstruating and your body’s functions are your own private business. It’s ok to be discreet and not talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable. That said you should not feel like you have to hide the fact that you are on your period, there is nothing dirty or shameful about menstruation. You might find it helps to be open about your period, particularly with people you trust. The bottom line is you are in control and you alone can decide who to share this with or not.

MYTH #8 – You cannot enjoy your life during “these days”

FALSE! Go out, do sports, organize spa days and party hard. Glow Concierge & Organic Mondays will be there to support you.

Glow Concierge would like to thank Organic Mondays for sharing this important information. Take part in our joint GIVEAWAY and win 200CHF worth of goodies from Glow Concierge and Organic Mondays.


up your period. These can include mood swings, feeling on edge, headaches, and spots (great!). Although medical professionals aren’t exactly sure what causes PMS, it’s definitely a real thing and is probably down to the fluctuation in your hormones leading up to your period. So next time you’re not feeling like your usual self, rest-assured it’s completely normal and okay for you to feel that way. MYTH#6 – You shouldn’t swim when you’re on your period (especially in the ocean as sharks will attack you) There is no reason whatsoever not to swim when you are on your period and what’s more it can help ease cramps (see Myth#1 above on exercise). As to being attacked by sharks: No No No …. While it’s true that a shark’s sense of smell is powerful and that menstrual fluid contains blood, there’s no scientific evidence that women swimming in the ocean while having their period are more likely to be bitten by a shark. Please enjoy a swim without fear of being a sharks breakfast. MYTH #7 – Everyone knows when you’re on your period FALSE No one knows unless you choose to tell them! You don’t walk differently, look different or smell different. Menstruation is a natural healthy part of life. It is a normal bodily function. It is however common for women to feel self conscious about their period, but rest assured no one knows you are menstruating and your body’s functions are your own private business. It’s ok to be discreet and not talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable. That said you should not feel like you have to hide the fact that you are on your period, there is nothing dirty or shameful about menstruation. You might find it helps to be open about your period, particularly with people you trust. The bottom line is you are in control and you alone can decide who to share this with or not.


By | Food for thought, Health, Nutrition | No Comments

“That time of the month” doesn’t need to mean bloating, mood swings or painful cramps. Avoid period fatigue with these nutrition tweaks and you could be on your way to downgrading or eliminating symptoms all together!

Good fats, like Omega 3’s, are a dream at helping your body reduce inflammation which is key in reducing cramping. High-quality fats are exactly what your body needs to balance hormones and they even help clear skin. Look to add avocados, olive oil and grass-fed butter to your diet. They are great to sneak into your smoothies and salads – you’ll barely notice.

Eating whole foods is brilliant for your body and its functions. Your body is intelligent, when you put an apple into it or lean chicken, it knows what to do with it.
Go and check your pantry now, pick up a food that has a label on it. Read the list of the ingredients – if there are ingredients you can’t pronounce, then it stands to reason that your body won’t know how to digest them either!

Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. When you get playful and try and eat every color of the rainbow you soon find you have added additional fiber, vitamins and minerals without even trying. With a special shout out to phytonutrients which only exist in plant based food. They talk directly to our cells, helping increase immunity and decrease inflammation.

It’s very simple when you think about it. Our bodies produce our own hormones and then balance them in line with our cycle. If we start to add new hormones – from factory farmed meat – we give our body new work to do and evolution hasn’t yet taught us how to do this and maintain a pain free period.
Buying organic grass fed meat (and where possible keep it local) takes this stress off of our bodies so it can focus on what it does best. Many people have noted that reduced meat consumption provides a more comfortable flow.

Daisy Quin – Yoga Instructor and Nutritionist in LA



By | Beauty, Fitness, Food for thought, Health, Nutrition | No Comments

If it looks like it’s too good to be true, then it probably is! “Lose 10 kg in 5 weeks”, “Juice cleanse to detox your body”, “Eat these magical pills and reduce your clothing size within a week…” We get bombarded with weight loss tips, teas, pills, powders and “new year, new me”–gibberish, all year around, but it escalates during the Christmas and New Year time. Many people and businesses are willing to go very far to get hold of your money, and well marketed health-claiming products would also have ended up in my cupboard if I didn’t know better.  However, instead of pouring out money on products with no function and of bad quality, let’s go back to basics. 

  • Be sceptical, be curious, ask questions – do not believe everything you hear, see and read
  • Check the sources of the products or article. Are they reliable? Do they have scientific back up? Has this been proven or disproven?
  • No juices, powders, tablets etc. can help you to detox the body. This is simply a marketing-concept! The liver, kidney and skin is responsible to “detoxify” your body, these organs do work even without the rainbow-pills  
  • If you lose 10 kg in 4-5 weeks, you have mostly just lost body water. If weight loss is the goal, then time is what you need. Generally, you should not lose more than 0,5-1 kg per week in order to be able to maintain the weight loss and avoid the yoyo-effect
  • For a controlled weight loss, it is important that you plan your meals and find a suitable meal rhythm e.g. Breakfast, Lunch, Snack & Dinner.
  • Make sure that you have a lot of vegetables/fruits on your plate for every meal
  • Carbohydrates are not dangerous, but necessary. Nevertheless, make sure to choose the complex carbohydrates – the ones with a high fibre content, such as whole wheat pasta, wild or brown rice, buckwheat, barley, whole wheat bulgur.
  • Have a good protein source at least twice per day, such as fish, meat, tofu, tempeh, dairy products, pulses and legumes.
  • Fat is also necessary in your diet, choose foods high in omega-3 and -6 fatty acids e.g. salmon, mackerel, olive oil, nuts and seeds.
  • Sugars are not dangerous for the body, but they should be kept to a minimum. WHO recommends not to eat more than 25 g/ 6 tsp. of sugar per day.
  • Alcohol can be enjoyed once in a while, but know that it does not provide the body with useful energy, and it is recommended to drink less than 14 units per week. (1 unit =25 ml of spirits, ½ pint, 87 ml wine etc.)
  • Make sure to try and always eat at the dining table, preferably spending 20 minutes for a meal, so it can be enjoyed!
  • Exercise is not only helpful for a potential weight loss, but also important for maintaining bone health, muscle mass and our cardiovascular system.
  • Rest and sleep! This is a must! It is very difficult to lose weight if you are already fatigued. Aim for a good quality sleep of 7-8 hours. 

This article is written by Henriette Saevil, Clinical Nutritionist

(IG: @nutritionbyhenny). 

If you have any questions or want to book a consultation please feel free to contact me via our website: or drop me an email:


By | Health, Nutrition | No Comments

January is traditionally when everyone says “New Year New Me”, people start their unattainable New Years resolutions that last a few weeks at best, it’s not all about the physical. How many of you have already put off starting until tomorrow?!

Now more than ever we need to look after our mental health as well as the physical.

Poor mental health is a risk factor for chronic physical conditions. People with serious mental health conditions are at high risk of experiencing chronic physical conditions, just as people with chronic physical conditions are at risk of developing poor mental health.

You need to look after your mental and physical health in conjunction with each other. One is just as important as the other.

In order to maintain both your mental and emotional health, it’s seriously important to be aware of your needs and feelings. Don’t allow your stress and emotions to build up. The first thing you should do is to maintain a good balance between your normal responsibilities and the things you enjoy doing. Do things that positively impact others, being useful to other people and being valued for what you do can help build your self-esteem.

Practicing self-discipline is really important. Self-discipline leads to a sense of happiness and accomplishment, which can help you overcome feelings of helplessness and other negative thoughts.

Try learning or discovering new things. Take an adult education class, or join a book club, visit a museum or simply try and polish up your German!

A healthy balanced diet is key in helping you feel good, quality food is vital in maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Don’t let others define you, be happy with who you are. No one is perfect, everyone possesses both good and bad qualities.


By | Beauty, Fitness, Health, Home, Massage, Nutrition | No Comments

While many of us may not be going on the holidays we expected, or to the parties we had planned, we can still follow the trends that we were thinking we’d see in far flung locations or lining the restaurants and bars at home this summer. While the 2010s were all about looking effortless, this new decade is finally making makeup fun again. 2020 is all about celebrating the individual, throw on that glitter, pile of that hair and read on.

Emphasis on the Eyes – neon liners, glitters, pastels; look beyond your usual safe smokey eye and learn to experiment.

Modern French Manicure – forget the classic French that you see with the white tips, think incredibly fine neon tips, bright accents and a manicure firmly rooted in 2020.

Glitter Everywhere – we missed our glitter braids at festivals this summer but instead we got glitter eye makeup! So many options, subtle fine shimmers, bold chunks of glitter, rhinestones – you can’t go wrong!

Fluffy Brows -thankfully the overfilled brows that have invaded Instagram are on the way out, fluffy, more natural brows are here to stay! Opt for a tinted brow gel or a fine brow pencil to get more definition or sweep your brows upwards with brow wax for a more dramatic look.


By | Beauty, Fitness, Home, Nutrition | No Comments

Now it’s officially June and we are slowly getting back to the new normal it’s time to either continue the good work you started during quarantine or get rid of those bad habits and start fueling your body.

Glow Concierge has several wonderful yoga and pilates instructors as well as personal trainers and nutritionists ready to help you on your road to your idea of the perfect body. You can’t just workout, you need to fuel your body correctly too. Remember, FIT NOT THIN.

What better way to start beginner yoga than with your own personal instructor at home? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to start pilates but were nervous to join a class of seasoned pros! Do you always intend on going to use your expensive gym membership but never quite get round to it? The beauty of booking someone to come to you is you don’t need to drag yourself to a class or the gym, all you need to do is roll out of bed and get dressed! Easy as 1-2-3. WE COME TO YOU.

For yoga and pilates classes at home in Zug, Luzern, Aargau, Zurich and Schwyz, we’ve got you covered. Dorit, Nadia, Rita, Viviane and Guila are ready for you! For personal training, pelvic floor recovery training and nutritional advice, Viviane is available. Perhaps you want to combine all three, book a session with Viviane to discuss your needs and come up with the best plan for you.


By | Nutrition | No Comments

As a clinical nutritionist, Henriette works from a scientifically evidence based perspective. She does not believe in diets or quick fixes, but rather a long-term lifestyle change, tailor made and suitable for you and your life. Her nutritional path started at University of Roehampton London where she completed her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Health, followed by a Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Copenhagen. She specialises in obesity, overweight, bariatric surgery and weight loss. HENNY IS RECOGNISED BY SWISS HEALTH INSURANCE.Henriette speaks German, English, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish.Read our Q and A with Hennriette:

Follow Henriette on Instagram: nurtritionbyhenny

Q: How does Nutritional advice work? Maybe tell us how the first session would go…

A: The first session is normallya “get to know each other”-session. I assess the client so that I can make a tailor made plan for them. I ask about their general life situation, eating habits, medical history, activity habits etc. This is very helpful, as every person is different, and what works for one person, does not necessarily work for someone else. 

Q: Who can benefit from nutritional advice?

A: Everyone can benefit from nutritional advice. There is so much incorrect information out there, and it is all quite complex and confusing. It is very important that one seeks advice from a qualified nutritionist, and doesn’t base their nutrition on a fad diet from a magazine. One does not have to be an athlete or suffer from a disease in order to contact a nutritionist. 

Q: Bikini Season is starting soon….what is the best way to lose weight quickly and efficiently and then also keep the weight off? 

A: There are no quick-fixes if you want to lose weight. It is important to change your lifestyle for a long-term weight loss. The best way to start is to cut down on your alcohol intake, and make sure that you have fruit and/or vegetables for every single meal. Ideally, half of your plate should contain fruit/ vegetables.

Q: The yo-yo Effect – Can you tell us something about that? How is it possible to maintain the same weight? 

A: The yo-yo effect is never good, its not good for your body, nor for your mind. Constantly losing then gaining weigh can make you feel frustrated, tired and hopeless. Try to find a nutritionist who you can work with and together find a nutritional lifestyle that work for you. 

Q: Fast Food is very convenient for the Life of today…People have less and Less time to cook a meal and sit down and enjoy it….How harmful is Fast Food to our health and body?

A: It always depends, because there are now a lot of healthy, nutritious “Fast-food” choices out there. (e.g. Roots, Be Good, Ona Poke, Dean and David etc.). Nevertheless, in the long run burgers, pizza, sausages, French fries etc., aren’t sufficient for a long-term diet. You will eventually lack energy and nutrients (essential vitamins and minerals). It is proven that a bad diet is also disruptive to your sleep. However, I would never ban anything from your lifestyle or diet, (such as fast food), but find a way to expand your food horizon, give you tips on how to cook in a busy everyday-life, compromise, cooperate and educate. Remember, you only have one body, so treat it well– life will be more enjoyable!

Q: A lot of people are vegetarians or vegans these days. Do you have some advice for this kind of lifestyle? Deficiencies etc? Is it wise to take supplements? If Yes? Which ones? What kind of food has these missing Vitamins?

 A: Yes, it takes a lot of learning to understand how important it is to obtain the sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to maintain a nutritious vegetarian/vegan diet. When cutting out/ or partly cutting animal products, one need to find out how to substitute this food group and be aware of micronutrient deficiency. It is possible to avoid taking supplements, although it is often recommended to take supplements of B12-vitamins. One should also be aware of potential calcium, iron and vitamin-D deficiency. I can recommend eating all kinds of lentils, beans, pulses, legumes and vegetables, also tahini (sesame paste), tofu, dried fruits, nuts/seeds, fortified products e.g. fortified plant milks and fortified seeds and grains. Please also be aware of having enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, plant oils for cooking and dips/dressings are always recommended. As it is a big change for the body to stop eating animal products make sure you are careful and educate yourself. Therefore, I would recommend consulting a qualified nutritionist or general practitioner for further advice and follow-up. 

Q: Obesity is a big issue in our society. How Do you explain this? What’s the biggest issue here? Wrong food? Not enough sports? Sitting to much?

A: It is much more complex than one thinks. Often, it occurs due to the fact that people have a higher food intake and a low energy output. However, every case is different, and should be treated individually. It can also involve internally physiological changes, hormone changes, traumatic experiences, psychological events etc. Less sedentary work, less greasy/sugary food, a lower intake of alcohol, more greens and fruit and doing more sports will always help, (if not for your weight loss, definitely for your blood pressure, cardiovascular health and internal organs). 

Q: In Contrast to being overweight, there is Anorexia And Bulimia. Is there a way for family and friends to recognize the signs and to help? 

A: It is a tricky area of nutrition, which requires psychological, medicinal and nutritional guidance. As every case is different, the behavioural patterns are very individual. There are however some common traits: huge change in general behaviour (e.g. if outgoing = suddenly introvert), starting to wear bigger clothes to hide, not undressing in front of others (often quite self-conscious), increased body and facial hair (especially in the face and on the arms), loss of hair on the head, eating less, moving food around on the plate, a tendency to lie and manipulate. 

Book a consultation with Henriette to learn more about your diet and get important tips and tricks on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Henriette is recognized by the health insurance. She visits you at home or in your office …. click here to view her profile on our website.