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August 2020


By | Beauty, Health, Massage | No Comments

Is it really already nearly time for cosy evenings in front of the fire? After a long long summer it may be time to cosy up in your dressing gown and treat yourself to some pampering at home. 

Is it crazy to be excited about the cosy evenings? I say there’s nothing crazy about a massage in front of the fire and not having to leave the house afterwards. What better way to finish your massage than in your dressing gown with no need to go anywhere other than the sofa with a good film and a glass of wine.

Have a look below at our top massage picks of the moment.


This special massage technique is based on the assumption that the reflex zones on the foot are connected to the various organs of the body. When our therapist massages with specific pressure these stimuli reach the brain and the connected organs through the skin, muscles, nerves, blood and lymphatic systems. This selective stimulation is able to release blockages in the meridians – the energy channels of the body – and to improve blood circulation.


Manual lymph drainage is a gentle technique aimed at stimulating the lymphatic system and relieving localised swelling by shifting accumulated lymph fluid from the area affected to the corresponding lymph nodes or drainage areas using superficial movement techniques on the skin and subcutaneous tissue.


Aromatherapy uses the restorative properties of essential oils to activate healing for the mind, body and soul. It’s excellent for relaxation, reducing stress, increasing calmness and reducing anxiety.


By | Beauty, Fitness, Home, Massage, Travel | No Comments

Many people who travel on vacation/holiday find themselves experiencing post-vacation blues. This is marked by an overall decrease in well-being and work productivity following a satisfying vacation. Having to get back into the routine of work, school, and daily life in general can be a source of distress, disorientation and discomfort. However unpleasant it may be, though, the post-vacation blues can be overcome with a little determination, some perspective, some insight on lessons learned from vacation, and of course a little self-care.

  1. Treat yourself to a massage, bring the spa to your home and imagine your’e still on holiday. We have a huge range of different massages to offer you, browse through our website for some inspiration. We highly recommend the Glow Concierge Signature Massage with Andrei.
  2. Do some exercise, ff you’re feeling the blues, it’s likely that you will feel like sitting and staring into space or turning on a show to binge-watch. Before you give in to that, go for a run or book one of our personal trainers to kickstart your body. We offer personal training, pilates and yoga, if you’re terrible at motivating yourself to go to the gym or out for a run then our PT’s are the answer!
  3. How are you feet looking after all that sea and sand? Book a pedicure at home. Have you experienced the Lovaskin that our provider Laura uses? It’s truly a miracle for feet, removing all the dead skin in only 60 seconds leaving your feet baby soft. If you’re really feeling like you deserve it, combine your pedicure with some reflexology. Sofiane is truly a magician when it comes to reflexology.
  4. Do you need to treat your hair to some tender loving care after your holiday? Book an appointment with Erika for a cut, hair mask and blow dry.
  5. Look forward, not backward. Contemplate one thing you would love to happen this year. Not a giant “life goal”—this could be way too daunting – especially in 2020! Think about one thing you would like to happen in 2020 and then make a plan to bring it into being.


By | Bridal, Fashion, Food for thought, Home | No Comments

Das Jahr 2020 hat für uns alle wohl eine etwas andere Wendung genommen, als erwartet. So mussten beispielsweise viele Hochzeiten auf 2021 verschoben werden, was für das Brautpaar und alle Beteiligten natürlich alles andere als einfach ist. Und trotzdem gibt es einige wenige glückliche Brautpaare, die trotz aller Widrigkeiten in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten den Bund fürs Leben eingehen.

Wir haben beobachtet, dass die Brautfrisuren aktuell deutlich schlichter werden und viele Bräute sich bewusst für Natürlichkeit und Schnörkellosigkeit entscheiden.

Der lockere Dutt oder leichte Locken sind gerade total im Trend, da viele Bräute die traditionellen oder übertrieben “frisierten” Frisuren eher meiden.

Total angesagt ist beispielsweise der Flecht-Look. Es gibt so viele Möglichkeiten, einen Zopf ins Haar zu integrieren. “Crown Braids” sind beispielsweise einer unserer Favoriten, denn es ist eine schöne Frisur, die leger oder total chic getragen werden kann, also perfekt für jede Braut!

Mit Accessoires verziertes Haar ist auch immer noch sehr beliebt. Von Blumenkränzen bis hin zu klassischen Diademen, wir lieben sie alle. Braut-Haarschmuck gibt es in alles Formen und Varianten. 

Der Bohemian Look ist da wesentlich entspannter und sieht fast so aus, als könnte man es selbst machen. Aber glaubt uns liebe Bräute: Ihr wollt einen Profi an eurem perfekten Tag. Manchmal sind es die scheinbar schlichten Looks, die am meisten Aufwand erfordern! Der Bohemian Look ist perfekt für eine Hochzeit am Strand oder eine rustikalere Hochzeit in den Bergen.

Egal nach was euch ist, unsere Profis zaubern euch immer den perfekten Look. Geht auf unsere Website und App und bucht euch einen Probe-Termin.