By June 12, 2021Fitness

In general, we all know that working out is great. Great for our health, mood, eating patterns and overall well-being. Still, for many it is not enough to commit to exercising for a long time. But would having another person doing it with you change something?

Studies show that having an exercise buddy can have positive effects on the life attitude, relationship building and class attendance. But let’s take it one by one.

  1. Improved attendance

When you are on your own, it is quite easy to decide against a workout. But what if there is a coach and a close friend waiting for you just outside your house. You will not only stop creating excuses, but go out there looking forward to spending some time with them.

2.Workouts can get more productive

Generally if we see another individual doing what we are supposed to, it gives us motivation and makes the task seem more achievable. It is also be quite fun to discuss this tough workout with your friend afterwards.

3.Find a fit friend

A 2016 study has shown that people gravitate towards the exercise behaviors of those around them. So, overweight people tend to lose more weight if they spend time with their fit friends — the more time they spend together, the more weight they lose.

And these are just some of the benefits. The main advantage of sharing your workouts with a friend with Glow Concierge is that you get a personal coach for half the price!

Here’s some math, so you get our point:

  1. Workouts with Christina

For 2 – 60CHF per person (10xPackage – 50CHF)

For 3 –40CHF per person (10xPackage – 33CHF)

2.Tridosha Yoga with Melanie (also available online)

For 2 – 75CHF per person (10xPackage – 62 CHF)

For 3 –  50CHF per person (10xPackage – 41CHF)

For 4 –  37CHF per person (10xPackage – 31CHF)

Your Glow Concierge


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