So, what exactly is microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive skincare treatment that stimulates “wound healing,” or the body’s natural reaction to produce collagen. Microneedling has been around for centuries, most commonly as acupuncture. This modern version didn’t really take off until the early 2000s and has since been taking the beauty world by storm.

The benefits make microneedling worth the splurge. This treatment boosts collagen, promotes healthy circulation, and helps to tighten and lift skin. Microneedling is also the ideal way to treat dreaded scarring from acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and even stretch marks. Count me in!

Before having my appointment, I made sure that my face was thoroughly clean without a trace of makeup, I hardly ever wear makeup so that was an easy one! Once I was comfortably lying down and wrapped up nice and warm under a blanket, Monique explained the whole treatment before getting started.

The tool that was used looks like a large pen, so you don’t actually see any needles. Monique started by applying a serum, she started on my forehead and then worked in sections on my face, the serum is packed with vitamins so that the skin absorbs the benefits throughout the process. I was expecting it to be quite painful so was pleasantly surprised to find that apart from the odd sensitive area like the upper lip and cheekbones, it wasn’t too bad at all. Honestly, no part of my face actually hurt until my upper lip, and even then, the pain was tolerable, she did that area really quickly so it was over almost before it began. This is generally a more sensitive area on your face anyways, so it makes sense!

After Monique had finished my entire face, she applied a cooling and calming mask for 10 minutes to help reduce inflammation and redness, this felt so good! The final step was to apply a calming cream and I was officially good to go.

She explained after the importance of wearing sunscreen and gave me a small sample of SPF50 in case I didn’t have any myself.

I have to say I was expecting to look quite alarming and have no chance of going outside for a good 24 hours but in fact I was quite shocked (in a good way!), when I looked in the mirror, I was a little red but it didn’t look too bad at all, I actually went out after and didn’t get any strange looks.

The first 2 hours after the appointment, my face was a little tender, it felt a bit like wind burn but after a couple of hours I didn’t notice it at all.

For me the biggest thing I noticed was my pores look smaller which is exactly what I wanted. I didn’t have any side effects although I’ve heard that some people do break out a few days after.


According to Monique, for best results you should have 3 treatments, a month or so apart, after that, once a year is enough.

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